Awesome ATS-Compliant Templates for Every Job!
ATS-Optimized Templates
Compliance Engineer

Compliance engineers are proficient in risk management. They also apply engineering skills to assess infrastructure in work environments. Building a company requires specific legal conditions in terms of engineering, and this is where compliance engineers’ roles start. Compliance engineers’ role is to assess building structures, light/heavy machinery, security systems, and other items that may be a risk to employees, visitors, or customers. All resources must follow legal parameters to pass all government audits.

Compliance Officer

Compliance officers are usually a company's permanent employees, unlike other related positions, which often work independently. These experts keep all regulations and legal requirements up to date to keep the business running smoothly. In addition, the compliance officers also supervise the internal activities of the working staff, ensuring that no employee commits crimes or acts outside the company's policies. In most cases, compliance officers work with the Human Resources (HR) department to monitor workers’ behavior and legal records. In addition, these experts constantly analyze new trends in regulatory systems to ensure the company remains up-to-date with regulatory compliance.

Computer Programmer

A computer programmer is just another way of saying programmer. They write code, identify issues in the syntax, debug, and troubleshoot software when needed. A computer programmer often works under a software engineer’s supervision. They are provided with certain requirements and follow them throughout the entire product lifecycle. Computer programming is generally an entry-level job. As you gain experience, you can escalate to other roles, such as software engineer. Yet, this is a great opportunity for you to get familiarized with trending techniques in the tech industry.


This is a suitable Google Docs resume template for all kinds of roles, including senior, entry-level and mid-level. Note how the focus is the work experience section only, and the education section is limited. This is what you should do if you graduated a while ago.

Concise with summary

This Google Docs resume template uses a summary at the top to highlight the job title you're applying to. This is a good way to tailor your resume too.

Construction Accountant

Construction accountants have the same functions as project accountants, except they operate solely on construction projects. Tasks you can expect include planning budgets, updating financial records, approving payments to suppliers, etc. You are basically in charge of ensuring that the budget allocated is used as it was intended. Extensive knowledge about the workings of the construction business is expected, as is experience being an accountant for projects. Take a look at this recruiter-approved resume sample.

Construction Manager

A Construction Manager supervises project operations. Their responsibilities typically range from preparing cost estimates to work timetables and budgets. They are usually the explainers and interpreters of technical information and contracts to other professionals. In most cases, construction managers are the site managers overseeing all personnel and activities on site. If you've been in the industry for long, focus on showcasing your experience and skillset. Hiring managers are interested in the value you bring to their organization. The best way to do this is in reverse chronological order. This means starting with your most recent experiences and achievements.

Construction Office Manager

As the name suggests, this is an office manager who works in a construction company. You will complete the same administrative tasks any other office manager would complete, such as filing, handling correspondence, scheduling meetings, etc. However, you may also have construction-specific tasks to complete such as managing project budgets and schedules, hiring and communicating with foremen and other construction stakeholders, evaluating subcontractor bids, etc. Your resume needs to show a background in and understanding of the construction industry and also needs to show your experience doing administrative tasks. Here is an example of a successful resume sample.

Construction Project Administrator

A construction project administrator is responsible for managing administrative tasks such as procuring materials, estimating schedules, coordinating permits, etc. The construction project administrator also manages contracts. Therefore, you should mention your knowledge of contractual agreements in your resume.

Construction Project Coordinator

Construction project coordinators handle logistics and planning for construction projects. For this role, in addition to the organizational and communication skills needed for project coordination, you should have at least a basic understanding of building processes, standards, and codes. You may also need to manage teams of workers, so leadership experience is also a huge plus.

Construction Project Engineer

A construction project engineer is responsible for executing a construction venture. They are responsible for assuring the quality of a project, so they will delegate and oversee tasks and control operations. This is a highly technical role in which you must deeply understand construction principles. A construction project engineer must be familiar with architectural design software like AutoCAD and CAD/CAM. Although this is a managerial role, you should still understand safety protocols in the construction field.

Construction Project Manager

Construction project managers are project managers that are specifically focused on the construction projects. This includes consulting with architects, managing stakeholders and deadlines, and overseeing day-to-day work at sites. Remember to focus on your construction or real estate experience when applying for construction project management jobs.


A consultant is a professional that provides organizations with advice in a particular field. They are experts in a given area, so they guide companies with their knowledge. They work mostly independently as freelancers and charge a particular fee for their services. Companies that hire consultants lack talent in that area, so they outsource it. Consultants don’t have specific licenses or regulatory requirements, so pretty much anyone who is an expert in a particular field can become one. Consultancy prioritizes experience over education. However, you can always validate your skills with certifications.

Content Creator

A content creator will create engaging content to be delivered via various mediums and for a variety of purposes. Sometimes they want to increase sales of a product, while other times they may want to gain followers for an organization or cause. Whatever, the purpose, a content creator needs to be highly creative and multi-skilled in the production process. For a general content creator resume, it is necessary the highlight the breadth of your content creation experience. Including all the different forms of content you have created will, therefore, work to your benefit. Furthermore, like this sample resume, you will want to list all the tools you are familiar with for creating content. This will give potential employers, a strong understanding of your capabilities and what standard of content they can expect from you.

Content Marketing Manager

A content marketing manager manages the creation of content meant to engage and attract customers to a company’s brand and products. In this position, you will create the content strategy, handle budgets, manage content creators, and evaluate content engagement. Recruiters will be looking to see a background in marketing - especially digital marketing - and strong managerial experience. Take a look at this recruiter-approves resume.

Content Writer

A content writer writes engaging and attractive content for a company’s website, newsletter, advertisement material, or anywhere else they may need. The topics you write about may be broad and often require research and fact-checking. Having a degree in English or a similar field is definitely beneficial to your resume but it is not necessary for success. Your resume should focus on showing as much experience as possible. Take a look at this strong content writer's resume.

Continuous Improvement Engineer

Continuous improvement engineers work specifically with companies in the industrial or manufacturing industries. Your goal in this role will be to optimize the manufacturing process for your employer. This will require in-depth knowledge of the manufacturing process and a strong engineering or operational optimization background. Many recruiters will expect at least a bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering or a related field so make sure you clearly list all your degrees and/or related certifications. Take a look at this successful resume sample.

Continuous Improvement Manager

A continuous improvement manager is tasked with leading a team that will identify points of improvement in a company’s operations, develop solutions to make their operations more efficient, and operationalize those solutions. In a manager's position, you may hire and train your team/department members, oversee their work, and provide guidance and direction for the team. Recruiters will be expecting to see at least a bachelor’s degree in process management, operations, or a related field. If you have an MBA or master’s in this field, that would be very welcome. You will also be expected to have years of experience in process optimization and great management and communication skills. Here is a successful resume sample.

Continuous Improvement Specialist

The goal of a continuous improvement specialist is to optimize a company’s operations. You may work as a consultant for multiple companies or you may work as a full-time employee for one company. Tasks you can expect include identifying problem areas or areas of improvement, developing and suggesting improvements, and assisting in the implementation of those suggestions. You will be expected to have a bachelor's degree in business, operations, or a related field, and some companies will require a master’s in the same. Take a look at this recruiter-approved resume sample.

Contract Administrator

A contract administrator ensures that contracts make their way through the contract cycle in a timely fashion and are in line with all relevant laws. These professionals are generally business administrators who specialize in contracts and as such recruiters will be looking for a degree in business administration or a similar field. Recruiters will also need to see experience working with contracts. Take a look at this successful resume.

Contract Attorney

As the name suggests, contract attorneys specialize in all legal issues to do with contracts. You may be tasked with drafting contracts, scrutinizing contracts, dealing with contract disputes, and representing your client in court on any contract-related cases. You need to be an expert on contract law and recruiters will expect to see a long history in that area of law. Here is a recruiter-approved resume sample.

Contract Manager

As the name suggests, this professional is tasked with managing a company’s contracts. They oversee the drafting and consolidating of contracts and they ensure the contracts are enforced and executed. To thrive in this position you need to have both a strong contract background as well as strong management skills. You will be required to have at least a bachelor’s degree in law, business administration, or a related field and years of experience working with contracts. Here is a recruiter-approved contract manager resume.

Contract Specialist

As a contract specialist, you will be in charge of ensuring the contracts that your company signs are in line with its goals and are legally sound. You will oversee contract preparation, drafting, submission, and review. You must be very knowledgeable on all relevant laws as well as very knowledgeable about your company’s and customers’ goals. You also need to know how to draft various kinds of contracts. Here is a strong contract specialist resume.

Control System Engineer

A control system engineer is responsible for maintaining a company’s production system. They ensure stability, reduce costs, identify potential issues in the operations, and assist with troubleshooting when necessary. They are often hired to automate processes and enhance the entire production cycle. To become a control system engineer, you must have a bachelor’s degree and a high understanding of complex computer technology. You should also have excellent interpersonal skills and knowledge of automation control.


Creating a general copywriting resume may be beneficial to an applicant if you're looking to apply for a variety of copywriting jobs at once, or if you are applying for a specialized copywriting position in an area you are not specialized in. When drafting a general copywriting resume, you will want to show your range, so include all the different kinds of copies you have done. Your range can also effectively be indicated with a robust skills section. Take a look at this resume as an example.

Corporate Accountant

In this position, you will specialize in accounting for a business or company. Your tasks may include preparing financial documents, maintaining good financial records, preparing tax documents, and ensuring that the business is compliant with all relevant financial or tax regulations and laws. You need to show that you are experienced working in this type of accounting. Ensure both the experience and skills sections of your resume show that. Here is a good resume sample.

Corporate Attorney

Corporate attorneys concentrate on corporate law. In this position, you will be representing corporations rather than employees or other individual stakeholders. Some of your responsibilities will include drafting and reviewing contracts, working on mergers, and otherwise ensuring that a corporation follows all laws that govern it. You must be an expert in corporate law and will need to show recruiters that you have years of experience legally representing corporations.

Corporate Compliance Manager

The Corporate Compliance Manager is among the highest positions in this field. These professionals organize all legal standards in large companies. They usually have permanent, full-time contracts. Some of their responsibilities include developing ethical-legal plans and programs in a company. Each program is subject to federal and local laws that regulate business operations. These positions have a strong relationship with other administrative functions in business. All workplace policies, values, and rules depend on these managers. In addition, as a specialist in this occupation, you must identify work problems and offer quick solutions to avoid interrupting the company's normal operation.

Corporate Controller

A corporate controller is in charge of a company’s financial functions. Your tasks will include preparing budgets, making financial forecasts, establishing financial policies, and assessing financial risk. This is a high-level position and a high level of expertise and educational background is expected. You will be expected to have a bachelor’s degree in accounting, finance, or a similar field, with a master’s and CPA being strongly preferred. Recruiters will also expect you to have a high level of financial management and familiarity with accounting and finance tools. Lastly, as you will be leading a team and potentially a department, your management and leadership skills will need to be stellar and highlighted in your resume. Take a look at this successful corporate controller resume.

Corporate Lawyer

Corporate lawyers work specifically within the field of corporate law, and will be expected to have knowledge of its inner workings. If you can demonstrate your background working in the legal realm in tandem with showcasing your efforts supporting specific employers, you will make a solid impression.


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